Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron

Sayville Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning Blog

Blood tests vs. Breathalyzers and refusal

Officers in Sayville, New York, are allowed to conduct chemical testing to determine if a driver is legally drunk. The officer may give a blood, breath, or urine test, but blood and breath are the most common. Some drivers may wonder if they can legally refuse the...

DNA evidence is mostly accurate

Since it was discovered, DNA evidence has changed criminal justice proceedings in New York significantly. People may hear stories about people who have had old convictions overturned thanks to new DNA evidence coming to light. However, it's important to know that DNA...

Why use a quitclaim deed?

New York residents should understand that there are different types of deeds when they're making a real estate transaction. Examples include general warranty, special warranty and quitclaim. Quitclaim deeds are generally only used in a few circumstances, such as sales...

