An ex- NYC assistant district attorney, Bryan Cameron has spent almost everyday of his career in the court room. He has litigated in most federal and state courts of Long Island and the five boroughs of New York, both in the Civil and Criminal arena. Although his is a general practice, he focuses on criminal defense of felony charges and many misdemeanor charges including traffic. He represents people who have been charged with possession, distribution and manufacturing of narcotics, driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, burglary and robbery. He handles violent crimes such as manslaughter, kidnaping, weapons charges, assault and murder. Mr. Cameron is also experience with white collar crimes including fraud, theft and trafficking. In regards to misdemeanor charges, he has handled numerous traffic tickets, shoplifting and domestic violence cases.
As both an assistant district attorney and criminal defense attorney he has handled a significant amount of driving under the influence cases. Many of these cases can be negotiated so that the defendant is not charged with a crime and can continue to drive during any period of suspension or revocation of their license.
He is a co-founder of the Suffolk County Defenders association, The first such association in Suffolk County strictly for criminal defense practitioners. In addition, he is a member of the New York State Bar Association, New York State Defenders Association, Suffolk County Bar Association, and Suffolk County Criminal Bar Association.
Classes & Seminars
Pro-Bono Activities
Representative Clients
Past Positions
Ancillary Businesses
Published Works
Fraternities or Sororities
Professional Associations
- Suffolk County Defenders Association, Co-Founder
- New York State Bar Association, Member
- New York State Defenders Association, Member
- Suffolk County Bar Association, Member
- Suffolk County Criminal Bar Association, Member
Certified Legal Specialties
Current Employment Position
- Attorney
Practice Areas
- Criminal Law
- Traffic Violations