Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron

Year: 2021

Why use a quitclaim deed?

New York residents should understand that there are different types of deeds when they're making a real estate transaction. Examples include general warranty, special warranty and quitclaim. Quitclaim deeds are generally only used in a few circumstances, such as sales...

When is insider trading considered illegal?

If you live in New York and work for a corporation in an executive position, you may be considered an insider. An individual in this position often has information the public lacks about the company or stock ownership that amounts to over 10% of the company’s equity....

Community service: When can the state offer it?

Residents of Sayville and nearby areas of New York may want to learn more about community service as an alternative to jail time. Its design is to promote a lifestyle that is free of crime and constructive for offenders. It also provides a means of safe and effective...

The New York Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act

New York is a large state with a lot of things to see and do. Unfortunately, it's not easy for some of its residents to explore it due to having a suspended driver's license. Fortunately, recent legislation is now giving many New York residents hope that they'll soon...

Do the police lie to juvenile suspects?

A police interrogation often takes place to get someone to self-incriminate. Some defendants find themselves tied up in the New York criminal justice system because the police lied during the interrogation process. Regrettably, seeking the truth may not be the guiding...

What is deed fraud and how does it happen?

You've lived in your New York home for years, so it would be hard for a criminal to steal your deed, right? Not so fast. Identity thieves and unscrupulous real estate developers have devised many different scams to obtain properties and sell them for high profits...

Senior adults and family: Creating an estate plan

Residents of Sayville and other areas of New York may want to learn more about the importance of estate planning. Many people pass away without leaving a will or other instructions to their loved ones. At a time when stress hits family from the loss, this is...

Money laundering is a serious crime

New York defendants who have been charged with money laundering should understand the seriousness with which the Feds view the alleged crime. While many associate money laundering with large and sophisticated criminal enterprises and a multitude of shell companies,...

Buying a co-op with rent-stabilized tenants living there

Residents and businesses in Sayville and other parts of New York may want to know more about whether it's possible to buy a co-op while rent-stabilized tenants are living there. These cooperatives are a popular form of communal ownership of residential properties....

5 things your HOA can’t do

If you live in a neighborhood with a homeowners association, or HOA, you may notice that there are several rules to adhere to. An HOA can keep your neighborhood safe and aesthetically pleasing, but it can also be difficult to keep up with the outlandish demands of...

