Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron


The importance of regular estate plan evaluation

Lives change as the years go on, and so do people's family and financial situations. And with constant change, people must often continually consider what would happen in the event of an untimely death. Financial asset disposition is not the only issue with an estate...

How to keep your estate plan up to date

Creating an estate plan is one of the most important things a person in New York can do to protect their assets and their family once they've passed on. However, the work is not done once an estate plan has been crafted with an attorney's help. Throughout a person's...

Considerations in commercial real estate purchases

Investors in New York and around the country are drawn to commercial real estate because it offers passive income, growth potential and consistent returns. Individuals who are interested in buying commercial real estate in New York should keep in mind the common...

Speeding increases accident risks for truck drivers

Truck drivers need to get to their destinations in New York and elsewhere on time and schedule. Unfortunately, a significant number of drivers travel at excess speeds to meet their goals. Speeding presents risks, and many truck drivers create dangers on the roads due...

How a traffic citation differs from a ticket

A traffic citation in New York is issued to a driver by a police officer for violating rules regarding the operation of a motor vehicle. There is no discernible difference between a citation and a ticket. A traffic citation stands as the written document that a person...

What investors should know about commercial real estate

The consistent returns and passive income available with commercial real estate are major reasons that the investment vehicle is popular with investors in New York. The growth potential of these investments is making them even more popular. While the profit potential...

How wills and trusts differ from each other

People in New York who are creating an estate plan may wonder whether their main document should be a will or a trust. Although both are used to pass assets to beneficiaries, the two are otherwise quite different. There are three different types of trusts. Revocable...

How to get the most from your estate planning efforts

If you're like most people in New York and throughout the country, there is a good chance that you haven't given much thought to your estate plan. This is likely because you don't want to think about dying or you feel that the process of creating a plan is too...

How business owners can protect their assets

Those who own businesses in New York or elsewhere will need to account for both company and personal assets when creating their estate plans. This may be done by creating either a will or a trust. A will can include instructions as to who receives money or other...

Making an estate plan when brain disease is a factor

Making plans to deal with incapacitation may be part of estate planning for many people in New York. However, if the individual has a brain disease, the plans should take into account specifics about the disease. One reason for this is because different levels of...

