Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron

Estate Planning

What can go into a revocable trust?

A revocable trust in New York gives the grantor, or creator, more control of their assets. It allows the grantor to change the content as they see fit. However, there are assets that can and can't go into a trust. Financial assets While cash can't be directly placed...

Set up an estate plan early to avoid unintentional mistakes

Utilizing the estate planning process in New York is essential to ensure that your assets are distributed per your wishes upon your death or if you become unable to make sound personal or financial decisions while living. It also safeguards any minor children you...

How do you talk to your parents about estate planning?

It's never easy to talk to parents about estate planning, but it's important to do so. This is especially true if they haven't yet created a will or other estate planning documents in New York. Why should you have the conversation? If your parents don't have estate...

Why does probate take so long?

In New York, the average probate takes around seven to nine months. More complex estates often take even longer than this. There are several factors that may make probate take longer than expected. Mistakes during estate planning If the decedent made a mistake during...

Using revocable trusts

There's a lot of information out there about estate planning, particularly when it comes to living trusts, which are also called revocable trusts. This type of trust can solve a variety of financial issues that you may not be able to solve with a will or other forms...

Protecting your assets for later inheritances

Preserving assets for your heirs is something you can achieve through estate planning. New York law supports your right to organize your estate and prepare it for your beneficiaries. Estate owners have to set aside their assets to make the best of their future...

Senior adults and family: Creating an estate plan

Residents of Sayville and other areas of New York may want to learn more about the importance of estate planning. Many people pass away without leaving a will or other instructions to their loved ones. At a time when stress hits family from the loss, this is...

How can I make my estate plan challenge-proof?

When you are putting together your estate plan, your focus is probably on providing your loved ones with a better life. You want them to be able to make use of the assets you’ve chosen to leave to them, and you want them to come together and comfort each other as a...

