If you face drug-related charges, you may have the option of attending drug court. The state of New York is at the forefront of this initiative, which seeks to help individuals address the underlying issues of substance abuse as an alternative to the traditional punitive approach in regular courts.
With over 100 drug courts across the state, these courts aim to help individuals heal while also reducing the likelihood of them committing additional crimes. They have proven to be highly effective in many cases.
How does drug court work?
Drug court is a program offered as an alternative to regular court to certain individuals who commit specific non-violent, drug-related offenses, and its approach is to bring together professionals from several fields, including judges, attorneys, mental health practitioners and more.
Once a person is accepted into a drug court, professionals assess them to determine their individual needs, which can include therapy, rehabilitation, inpatient or outpatient treatment and other support services.
It is important to note that personal accountability is a key feature of these programs. This means that individuals must commit to following through and completing the program, and the court holds them accountable by ensuring they comply with specific rules set by the court.