Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron

Driving with a suspended license? You could face trouble

| Nov 20, 2019 | Firm News

Suspensions can be definite or indefinite in New York. A definite suspension has a beginning and end date, so you know exactly when you can drive again. Indefinite suspensions are just that. The court will decide if and when you can regain your license after you take the appropriate actions.

If you are facing a license suspension or have a suspension that you’d like to have lifted, you may wish to speak with your attorney about doing so. Here’s a little more about each of these types of suspensions.

What happens if you receive a definite suspension?

If you receive a definite suspension, it will tell you how long the suspension lasts on the definite suspension order. There are a few reasons for this kind of suspension including:

  • Failing to have liability insurance for your vehicle
  • Being convicted of a drugged or drunk driving charge
  • Not following the rules for junior drivers
  • Receiving too many tickets within a specified length of time

You won’t be able to drive until the suspension period ends, and there is a termination fee that you’ll be ordered to pay.

What happens if you receive an indefinite suspension?

An indefinite suspension order is given to you and lets you know that you’ve had your license suspended for an unspecified length of time. It will also tell you the steps that you need to take to have your license reinstated.

It’s normal to receive an indefinite suspension if:

  • You were not carrying auto insurance
  • You failed to pay child support
  • You didn’t file a report for a motor vehicle accident
  • You failed to pay for a traffic ticket
  • You didn’t respond to a traffic ticket
  • There are New York State tax debts that remain unresolved

You may also have your license suspended if you have a medical condition that makes it unsafe for you to drive.

Suspended licenses can be reinstated, unlike revoked licenses, which require you to obtain an entirely new license once the revocation period ends. You can check to see if your license is suspended or revoked on the MyDMV website through New York State, but you should have received documentation that informs you of the suspension and what to do to resolve it.

If you lose your license unexpectedly, it can be hard on you, so it’s smart to work with someone who can help defend you and help you get your license back quickly.

