Highly Effective Criminal Defense, Real Estate And Estate Planning
Attorney Bryan E. Cameron

Year: 2018

Fighting Breathalyzer results is possible

When an officer informs you that you failed a Breathalyzer test and issues charges, it can seem as though you have no strong options for building your defense. Breathalyzers enjoy high levels of confidence in the eyes of the public, and many people wrongly assume that...

Heroin convictions may be avoided with treatment

The heroin epidemic that's sweeping from coast to coast in the United States bears very little resemblance to the heroin problem of the '60s and '70s. Then, the user demographics mainly skewed toward young, urban, African-American men and performers in the music...

Felony convictions come with difficult penalties

The top priority for a person who is facing a felony conviction has to be getting a defense prepared. Many people think in terms of only the penalties that the court will impose upon conviction. What they don't necessarily realize is that there are other things to...

